The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is a knowledge of our own ignorance - Benjamin Franklin

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Fear Factor

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Last night, I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t sleep again. My head was full of scenes from the movieVanilla Sky’, and it took me hours to think of a logical explanation for the strange happenings in the movie. The movie is about a prodigal young man who has inherited extreme riches from his late father, and he doesn’t really need to exert himself for anything in life. His only problems are his dreams which turn out to be very similar to the actual events that take place soon after in his life. The similarity between the virtual world inside his head and the real world in his wakeful hours is so striking that he soon begins to lose all sense of reality. The troubled man then turns to a Psychologist for help, but the Psychologist himself starts manipulating all the wrong connections of his patient’s mind, and therein lies the ‘Fear Factor’.

Muddle-headedness can be the biggest bane of one’s life, especially when there seems to be no reasonable explanation for it in the external world of a person. Unruly subconscious mind if left un-understood can be the single most dangerous problem. Where and to whom does one go to in such a situation?

The only answer I could think of during my uneasy few hours last night was that one has to have a clear understanding of the fact that human existence is not merely physical in nature. There is an all powerful Mind controlling the Body, and the Mind itself needs to seek counsel from the Soul. It is only at the time of Meditation that the Body, the Mind, and the Soul sit together and experience an all-enriching communion. God has put in place a self-diagnostic and self-corrective mechanism inside each human being, and to activate this mechanism, we just need to go deep inside our being by way of meditation.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is too good. I think can understand what you experienced during your meditation session this night.

    God has given you such a beautiful quality to word your experiences. Please keep writing.

    Thank you.


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