The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is a knowledge of our own ignorance - Benjamin Franklin

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

18 Till I Die...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I couldn’t agree more with Bryan Adams as he sings aloud in his husky voice…

I wanna be young the rest of my life
never say no - try anything twice
til the angels come and ask me to fly
I'm gonna be 18 til I die - 18 til I die

Well, say what...I’ve found the secret to be 18 till I die. What? How? When?

- Yes, you heard it right! I’ve indeed found the secret behind staying 18 till one dies!

- By regular Pranayaams or Yogic Breathing Exercises, optimum amount of physical exercise, Satvik Bhojan ie Fresh vegetarian food, and daily practice of meditation, one can stay young and active till one finally departs for the Heavenly abode.

- The enlightenment happened the other morning when I sat in meditation after doing Pranayaams for some time.

After doing three rounds of ‘ KapaalBhati’ pranayaam, I sat with my attention focused on the Energy Chakra between my eyebrows. I could feel my face glowing with energy, my head feeling light, my mind floating in silence, my straight spine emanating warmth, and my entire body feeling weightless. I was instantly reminded of myself during my Senior Secondary School time when I felt healthy, alive and full of hope all the time. The only difference between the time when I was 18 and now, when I am the exact double of that number, is that at that age, I was happy because I hadn’t experienced real setbacks and shattered dreams, and thus, lived a life of dreams; but now, when I have already experienced failure, disappointment, deceit, and bitterness that life had in store for me, the quality of my happiness is such as can never be disturbed by anything in the world. There is no dream-like uncertainty about my joy for it has firmly found its source in the imperishable treasure of happiness that Creativity brings.

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