The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is a knowledge of our own ignorance - Benjamin Franklin

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Fall of God man

Friday, April 2, 2010

As I read stories about the self-styled Spiritual Gurus getting caught in acts far from spiritual, I tend to wonder as to how it is possible for someone to be unspiritual when all the actions and thoughts in conformity with Nature are purely spiritual. Every emotion, ranging from compassion to anger, is spiritual. Similarly, every action, ranging from meditation to mating, is purely spiritual. How then in the God’s world do these ‘Godmen’ manage to be unspiritual?

The answer probably lies in the intention behind the action and the emotion.

Any action or emotion intended to uphold the values of Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram (Truth, Goodness, and Beauty), can never go wrong or be unspiritual. Whereas, even the best action or emotion imbued with desire for Power, Money, and Lust, will always go wrong.

It is not unholy to have material abundance when it is used for the goodness and welfare of self and our fellow beings.

It is not unholy to enjoy the pleasures of the body when they are guided by the highest moral standards of Nature.

What make riches and pleasure unholy are the demons of greed and hypocrisy respectively.

Moreover, I feel that it is the great misfortune of those who, though pretend to have communion with the Divine, have never actually tasted the Nectar of unparalleled pleasure that the meditating soul enjoys.

For incarnations, the mind has been ruling us and forcing us to follow the ceaseless lures of sensations, feelings, and memories. But each little victory we win in controlling the mind brings us that much closer to mastery over our senses and our environment. – Shri Paramananda Yogananda

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