The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is a knowledge of our own ignorance - Benjamin Franklin

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

In God's Own Image

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The other day, my family was going to MG Road in our car. My husband was at the wheel. On our way through Pune Cantonment area, my husband noticed some lackluster white-washed buildings. He remarked that in those buildings must be living the low-ranked army personnel, whereas, right across the shiny mortar road were the huge and splendorous bungalows of Colonels and Brigadiers. He wondered why such disparity existed among people. He then asked me, “How is it possible that even the two sons of a family fare differently in life when both had the same parentage, same gene pool, and the same upbringing?"

I thought for a while and replied that exercise of will power and hard work determines the degree of success among people who otherwise have every other factor in common. God gives each one of us enough talent to work on it and move towards perfection. One person may apply himself to identify that gift of God in him and use it to the best of his capacity, whereas, the other may choose a seemingly easy life of laziness and short-cuts.

The same night, before going to bed, my husband started reading aloud from a book titled ‘The Divine Romance’, Collected Talks and Essays on Realizing God in Daily Life, Volume II by Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda. He opened the book at random and started reading from page 48. To our utter surprise, the page started with the heading –

Why We Are All Different From One Another

Behind the light in every little bulb is a great dynamic current; beneath every little wave is the vast ocean, which has become the many waves. So it is with human beings. God made every man in His image, and gave each one freedom. So even though God made us in His image, no two people are alike; each has used his God-given free choice to make something different of himself.

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