The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is a knowledge of our own ignorance - Benjamin Franklin

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Time Management - the Panacea

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Last night, I slept thinking about my Tennis class at 7.00 in the morning. I wasn’t feeling enthusiastic about it, because the memory of the Monday class still hung on in my mind. On Monday morning, I got up at 5.00 (my usual time), exercised, meditated, cooked lunch for my kids and then rushed for my tennis class just 2 minutes before 7.00. I try to go to my classes on my brand new bicycle and avoid using the car until and unless I’m frightfully late or have an aching body. The reasons why I chose to keep a bicycle handy are many. Firstly, I believe that my constitution is of the primitive kind which makes it difficult for me to use mechanized things; secondly, if and when possible, I love to expend bodily energy over any other kind; thirdly, I am frugal with resources, natural as well as personal; fourthly, I like to look and feel young in body and in spirit; fifthly, I believe that even a little effort on an individual’s part to avoid spreading the harmful fumes in our surroundings can go a long way in keeping our Mother Earth in good health. And now, back to my narrative…at 2 minutes to 7.00, I was standing by my bicycle, a picture of ‘dusty’ beauty with its tires looking a little flatter than usual. I hastily pressed my thumb into a tire and found it soft. Dusting the seat and the handle, I nonetheless rode it and started pedaling hard. By the time I reached the tennis court, my legs started feeling heavy and shaky. I took the customary round of the ground jogging slowly and then joined in the group taking practice shots. After coming back home, I kept feeling the urge to take to bed and actually did so immediately after sending away all the family members to their designated destinations.

Later during the day on Monday, our new auto-gear scooter got delivered. The need for the scooter was felt for taking kids to their activity classes, as my husband takes the car to office. I had proudly declared to my family that the scooter would never be used by me for my personal use, and that I would use it only when kids needed to be transported within the boundary of our Township only.

Now, back to my last night’s thinking process. I slept convinced that I would use the scooter for going to my tennis classes. After all, I ought to be more responsible towards my body than my spoken words, I thought.

Today again, my day started as usual. I was sitting deep in meditation when an idea slowly descended upon me. Why couldn’t I start for my tennis class a little sooner, dust my bicycle thoroughly and fill air in its tires with my easy-to-use air pump? The answer lay in better time management! So today, I was by my bicycle 10 minutes earlier than usual; cleaned it nicely, filled air in its tires, pedaled it in rhythm with my body, continued focusing on my breathing, and was at my destination on time. 

1 comment:

  1. "dust my bicycle thoroughly and fill air in its tires with my easy-to-use air pump? "

    Where you bought your air-pump?
    how much it costs?


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