The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is a knowledge of our own ignorance - Benjamin Franklin

Saturday, February 27, 2010

What's in a Name?

Friday, February 26, 2010

Shakespeare asked,
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.”

But I have my doubts about the great Shakespearean question concerning a name, for in my life, I am fortunate to have two persons sharing the same name and by a happy coincidence, both of them happen to have come closest to my heart and soul.

My youngest sister Richa is someone whom I consider as my alter-ego, for she has been one person in whose company, both physical and metaphysical (via intuition), I have always felt loved and deeply connected. My hurt brings tears in her eyes; my achievements become matters of pride for her; my guidance and advice become the cornerstone of her decisions, my reprimand brings about the desirable change in her; and my kids find the doting version of their mother in her. My relationship with her transcended the state of sibling affection, and took the colors of parental-filial attachment. Everything related with her - her studies, her career, and her marriage, remained a matter of concern for me till she found her soul-mate in an intelligent and loving husband.

By the time one Richa settled in her new world, the other Richa, my cousin’s wife, slowly entered my life. She was my confidante when my heart was bursting to share its pain with someone. She had been initiated into Sahaj Yoga, and was practicing it regularly. I wanted her to be my Guru and guide my confused mind to the realm of peace. She sat with me when I wanted to cry my heart out, and listened to me with such compassion as I had never experienced before. She initiated me into Sahaj Yoga and taught me to find solace in the teachings of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ji. I, however, had much to travel and explore in the world of infinite peace before I could achieve the desired state of complete silence and boundless joy. She, nevertheless, was someone with whom I started experiencing the same affinity and comfort level that I had with my sister Richa.

I know that had their names been different, they would still have influenced my life in the same way. But the fact that both have the same name and both have affected my life in the same affectionate way, makes me think of their name as a talisman of love in my life.

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